February 4th-February 18th
Existing Chairs or Vice Chairs can pick up their precinct packets at GCDP Headquarters M-Th from 10am-2pm or receive an electronic copy by emailing leslie.holder@yahoo.com.
In order to become or remain an organized precinct you must hold a meeting between February 4th-February 18th. Meetings must have a quorum (minimum of 5 people attending). For more details contact GCDP HQ or your area Vice Chairs.
- GCDP HQ: GCDPChair@guilforddems.org
- G01-G78—Pete Shaw (phshaw43@gmail.com)
- H01-H29B and JAM1-JAM5—Josh “Fox” Brown (jobrown_sgc@yahoo.com)
- Rural (all other precincts not listed above)—Leslie Martin (leslie.holder@yahoo.com)
There are over 165,000 registered Democrats in Guilford County. We need your help to reach them all.
ORGANIZATION: Organized precincts are the foundation upon which a healthy party structure is built and is critical to electing Democrats at the local, state and federal level. An organized precinct helps us:
- Recruit and Engage Volunteers
- Get out the Vote
- Ensure full representation at the County Executive Committee
RELATIONSHIPS: You won’t just be building the Party infrastructure—which is so critically important! You will also be building relationships. Organizing your precinct is a fantastic way to meet your like-minded neighbors and build true friendships that will last a lifetime.
REPRESENTATION: Representation matters! Only ORGANIZED precincts get to vote in matters of Local politics and Democratic Party business. Examples include:
- Defining the Party’s Platform
- Electing Local Party Officers
- Electing Delegates to District and State Conventions/Committees
- Electing Board of Elections Officers
- Replacing Local Democratic Officials who cannot complete their terms (ex. County Commissioners, School Board, etc.)