(In accordance with new State Law 2018-146)
6:00 p.m.
Registration Opens at 5:00 p.m.
Trinity AME Zion Church
631 East Florida St
In October, a three-judge panel ruled the composition of the NC Board of Elections unconstitutional. However, a stay was placed on the ruling to allow the board to continue to function until after the November elections. That stay expired on December 28th, and the elections board was dissolved. Under new legislation passed in December, the Democratic Party and Republican Party each submits 2 names for the Board of Elections, and the Governor appoints a fifth person to serve as Chair of the Board of Elections. How does this affect us at the county level? Before January 31st, our CEC must meet and select 3 names to forward to the Governor to approve for our Guilford County Board of Elections. As of February, our county board will consist of those three people we select and 2 candidates from the county Republican Party.
It is critical that we meet quorum at this meeting to ensure that we have a Democratic candidate on the ballot for the At-Large Board of Education race in November.
If you are unable to attend, please send a proxy.
As a reminder, if you are already a member of the CEC, you cannot serve as a proxy for another member. If you are a precinct chair or vice chair, your proxy must be a registered Democrat from your precinct.
To RSVP, or for information on sending a proxy, call HQ at (336) 292-2997 or e-mail gcdpchair@guilforddems.org.