Greensboro City Council Meeting Special Meeting
Greensboro City Council Meeting Special Meeting
5:30 p.m.
The City of Greensboro is accepting applications for the City Council At-Large seat that was left
vacant with the passing of the Hon. Yvonne Johnson. Deadline to apply is January 17.
Applications can be found at this link:
Per the Greensboro City Charter (Sec. 3.02) applicants must be a resident of Greensboro, living
within the city limits and a registered voter of voting age. The application will include a few
questions and the option to upload a resume.
Each applicant will have the opportunity to speak during the January 28 special meeting.
Presentations will be limited to five minutes per applicant. During the meeting, the City Council
will determine who will fill the seat. The new member will be administered the oath of office
during the February 4 City Council meeting.