Dates and times for Board of Elections, County Commission, Board of Education, City Council and Town Council meetings in Guilford County are listed below.
All meetings are open to the public. Besides voting, there is no better way to exercise your rights as a citizen than to attend these meetings, to stay informed about the governing of our community and to make sure our elected officials act responsibly on behalf of the people they serve. Please take note of the times and attend meetings when you can!
You can also sign up for GCDP weekly updates here.
See the GCDP event calendar here.
Make your voice heard again and again.
“I want you to make this a part of your new daily routine: Call Congress every single day. Brush your teeth, make the coffee, walk the dog and call Congress.” – Michael Moore, Filmmaker
And, here in North Carolina, please add the N.C. General Assembly to your list of daily calls. We might not win every time, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop. Keep calling.
When attempting to contact elected officials, remember to start with those who represent you first. The power of hearing from a constituent is always more powerful than hearing from someone outside of the area they represent. Below are links to access members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, links for N.C. House and N.C. Senate members, as well as a handy “Who Represents Me?” feature:
U.S. House of Representatives:
U.S. Senate:
Who Represents Me? Feature for the N.C. General Assembly and U.S. House:
N.C. House Members:
N.C. Senate Members: