After multiple recounts and election audits, it has been confirmed that North Carolina voters
elected Justice Alison Riggs to the N.C. Supreme Court. However, her opponent, Judge Jefferson
Griffin, refuses to accept the results and is now challenging the votes of over 60,000 North
Carolinians. We must fight this!
Steps You Can Take:
– To see if your ballot has been challenged, visit
https://www.commoncause.org/north-carolina/griffin/ and use the search tool on the page.
– If you received a mailer claiming your vote is being challenged., contact your county board of
elections. The Guilford County Board of Elections can be reached at (336) 641-3836.
– Add your name to the growing list of North Carolinians demanding the NC Supreme Court
reject the Griffin challenge at
https://act.commoncause.org/forms/tell-the-nc-supreme-court-we-matter/ .
– Make a donation at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/nclegaldefense to help with legal fees
(currently estimated at $3 million).
– Follow the NCDP on social media for regular updates and calls to action. Visit www.ncdp.org
for links.
– Follow Riggs for Our Courts on social media for regular updates and calls to action. Visit
https://www.riggsforourcourts.com/ for links.
– Amplify the voices of the 60,000 on social media, write letters to the editor, talk to your
neighbors about what is going on.
Critical Dates:
January 24 -Briefs due to N.C. Supreme Court
January 27 – Oral arguments at the Fourth Circuit on whether cases should stay in state court. To
sign up to “Fill the Gallery”, please use this link: https://www.mobilize.us/ncdems/event/749557/