Early Voting will begin at 28 locations throughout Guilford County Thursday, October 17 and
continue through Saturday, November 2 (except for Sunday, October 20). Voting early and in-
person is the best way to make sure you have time to fix any issues that may arise. Be sure to
take your Photo ID with you when you go to vote.
To get the full schedule and list of locations, please use this link:
To see list of Democrats on the ballot in Guilford County:
To learn more about the candidates:
For a ride to the polls, or to get a photo I.D., email gcdpchair@guilforddems.org . Be sure to
include full name, address, and phone number.
To check your voter registration: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/
To request an absentee ballot, email absentee@guilfordcountync.gov or call (336) 641-6876. If
you request a mail-in ballot, walk it into the Board of Elections office (by 5 p.m. November 5) to
make sure it gets there. If you do mail it, do it the day you get it—do not wait. Make sure to
follow all the directions.
To track your ballot: https://northcarolina.ballottrax.net/voter/