Service to Others Team
This team will plan and organize ways for GCDP to serve our community throughout the year, i.e., food/clothing drives and giveaways, hotdog dinners in low-income neighborhoods. The committee will be co-chaired by Mitzi Turner and Pete Shaw, but folks to help implement the activities. Use this link to sign-up:
Events for Dem Families Team (Formerly Events Committee)
This team will plan and organize ways for our GCDP families and friends to have fun together, i.e., skate nights, picnics, ball games. Use this link to sign-up:
Voter Protection and Registration Team
This team will work to ensure that voters who have been removed from the rolls are informed and help them get re-registered. Additionally, this team will plan and organize voter registration events, i.e., join community events, work in neighborhoods. We will need someone to chair/co-chair this committee, as well as folks to help implement the activities. Use this link to sign-up:
Interfaith Caucus
Per their website, the Democratic Interfaith Caucus “aims to encourage and promote interfaith dialogue and advance humanitarian concerns reflected in the values and platform of the NCDP as set forth in the state bylaws and resolutions. The Caucus will also support NCDP candidates for local, regional, state, and national public office to strengthen and maintain a free, democratic, and pluralistic society in the interests of all (i.e., the common good).”
We will need someone to chair/co-chair this committee, as well as folks to help implement the activities. Use this link to sign-up:
Thank you for volunteering!
Kathy Kirkpatrick, GCDP Chair